Our research team

WestEd is a nonpartisan research, development, and service agency. For over 50 years, we’ve worked with education and other communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth, and adults

Over the past decade, the EdTech@WestEd team has led the charge to ensure research, evidence, and the learning sciences drive edtech policy, design, selection, and implementation. Along the way, we’ve partnered with 150 companies and conducted over 60 research studies. We’re experienced in everything from discovery and design research to small scale usability and feasibility studies to large randomized control trials.

Tanner Higgin

Senior EdTech Researcher

Bryan Matlen

Senior Research Associate

Steve Schneider

Senior Managing Director, STEM Research and Entrepreneurship

Jessica Triant

Senior Research Associate

Jacklyn Yani

Senior Project Manager

How we can help

Save Time and Money

Our competitive analysis and evidence-based design strategies can prevent time-consuming and costly product development mistakes.

Increase Usage

Many edtech products struggle to grow and yield sustained use. Our experts anticipate barriers to motivation, adoption, and scale

Improve Learning

Our team tests and analyzes your product on multiple dimensions to identify changes that will maximize student learning.

Get Buy-In

Parents, teachers, and districts want evidence that edtech works. Research designs meeting ESSA standards differentiate your product.